Monday, August 25, 2008

Whew...I made it!

OMG! What a crazy day! The first day of school is utter madness, and, to top it off, we had to go to Wal-Mart! Ugghhh. I'll start at the top. First off, it was Bren's first day of pre Kindergarten. I so can't believe that my baby is in school. I really don't know where time goes. Anyway, he was obviously completely stoked about it. We got to his school around 7:10 or so. I meant to be at my school by 7 to finish up some stuff, but that didn't happen. So, I took Bren in and helped him get settled. Then I snuck out while he was talking to a pretty blond over Cocoa Puffs. I went out to get in the truck (I was driving Rodney's cuz he had farther to drive so he took my Honda), and it woudn't start! Ugghh! Of all the days for it not to start, this had to be it. I really think that God sometimes has a very odd sense of humor. I'm gonna take it up with Him when I get there! ;) So, this was at 7:15, so I start freaking out! How crappy is it to be LATE your first day back to school? It wouldn't have been quite so bad if I wasn't with a new teacher that knew nothing about the kids that I had last year, and who is not very experienced with this age group. Well, I called into work and told them I would be there ASAP. Rodney saved the day and came and rescued me. I got to work 1 minute late. Not too bad, except all my kids were there for the most part. It was ok, though. The new teacher was doing a group activity with them. At about 8:00, another boy walked in with his Mom. I had never saw this kid before. Apparently, he was new to our class. His Mom had registered him this morning. Who registers their special needs child the DAY school starts back? Ugghh again. So, he made the 10th member of our wild group. We are maxed out. NO MORE! I can't handle any more. ;( Overall, though, the first day went pretty well. It's gonna be hard stretching myself and the teacher enough to fit the needs of all 10 of them, because they are all soooo different. Even the grade levels include kids that are light and day away from each other in learning skills. It's really challenging, but I am determined that not one of these kids will fail this year. I would also love to see at least 80 % pass the EOGS. that would be awesome! Anyways, the Joye twins are doing awesome. Check out Ferris's blog. Also, if you want to cry a little, go to my myspace and click on my sister in law's page "Expecting #2". There is a ultrasound video of my soon to be new baby niece. She is perfect and healthy. God provides. I can't wait for the day when I can look into her eyes and tell her what a miracle she is and how much we all love her. I miss my baby niece, Carly so much, even though I only got to see her a few times before she went to be with Jesus. I still watch the videos that Rach has posted of her and I cry. She is so special. I know that Jesus enjoys every moment with her. I am so jealous. ;) I gotta go eat some chocolate cream cookie ice cream (it's fat free, so I don't feel a bit guilty.) Then, I'm going to bed. I can't get back in the swing of this. I'm thankful for Labor Day weekend. Ugghhh.

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